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Students deepen circular construction knowledge at CIRCuIT summer school

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Graduate and post-graduate students of engineering, architecture, design, construction attended the second CIRCuIT summer school at the Hamburg University of Technology in July 2022.

Over the five days, students attended lectures given by leading circular construction practitioners, thinkers and experts; they visited several projects around the city, including a demolition site and a car park which is to be converted into a social housing project; and worked together on innovative ideas and approaches to incorporating circular economy principles into a concept for the conversion of a former car workshop into a kindergarten.

The school helped students to better understand circular construction concepts in theory and in practice, develop skills to work collaboratively with peers, and explore learning points in practice by producing a series of proposals, designs and ideas.

Thank to our partners and facilitators at Hamburg University of Technology and Imperial College London for delivering an excellent, educational and inspiring week.

See some highlights from the week below:

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This image is the blue EU flag with the stars in a circle in the middle.

This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821201.



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