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All CIRCuIT Academic Publications

Here you can find all academic publications submitted as part of the CIRCuIT project.

Circular Economy How-to Guide: Reusing products and materials in built assets, UKGBC, 2020.

Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities: A H2020 project, Focaccia, S., Kral, U., Cormio, C. & Hengl, I. Book of Abstracts. Poster session at Conference on Mining the European Anthroposphere, 2020.

Using digitized public accessible building data to assess the renovation potential of existing building stock in a sustainable urban perspective, Rune Andersen, Lotte Bjerregaard Jensen, Morten Ryberg, Sustainable Cities and Society 75, 2021.

Barriers to implementing adaptable housing - Architects' perceptions in Finland and Denmark, Satu Huuhka, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2021.

Residents’ views on adaptable housing: a virtual reality-based study, Jyrki Tarpio, Satu Huuhka, Buildings and Cities, 2022.

Environmental benefits of applying selective demolition to buildings: A case study of the reuse of façade steel cladding, Rune Andersen, Lotte Bjerregaard Jensen, Morten Ryberg, Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2022.

Methods for evaluating the technical performance of reclaimed bricks, Aapo Räsänen, Satu Huuhka, Toni Pakkala, Jukka Lahdensivu, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022.

How changes in urban morphology translate into urban metabolisms of building stocks: A framework for spatiotemporal material flow analysis and a case study, Mario Kolkwitz, Elina Luotonen, Satu Huuhka, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2022.

Lifespan prediction of existing building typologies, Rune Andersen, Kristoffer Negendahl, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023.

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This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821201.



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