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Helsinki Region strives to be the most sustainable urban area in the world

One of three cities in Helsinki metropolitan area, City of Vantaa is the fourth biggest city in Finland. The City of Vantaa has a total area of 240.35 km2 and a population of 223,000, rising by 2,400 citizens every year. The population is expected to reach over 300,000 by 2050. 

Vantaa has a new comprehensive environmental program, Roadmap to Resource Wisdom 2030, which focusses on the circular economy and Vantaa's ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030. The circular economy goals consist of reusing materials (including during a demolition), establishing circular economy as part of planning and execution, and improving the model for circular economy areas.

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517,129 tonnes of waste

from construction and demolition in the region (2018)

428 annual kilograms

of construction and demolition waste per inhabitant

8.18 million sq metres 

of flooring reserved for housing in Helsinki metropolitan area


  • Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY), which organises waste management of household and public waste, has published a draft of a sustainable urban living programme for the Helsinki metropolitan area. The draft is prepared together with the cities, regional organisations, companies, and residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area. The programme’s vision is ‘Together we will create the most sustainable urban area in the world’, with themes that include climate change mitigation, the circular economy, adapting to a warming climate, and a healthy living environment. The programme promotes choices guiding the lives of city residents in a direction that would allow global warming to be halted at 1.5°C. The programme suggests multiple measures for the construction and demolition field in Helsinki Metropolitan Area. 

  • Vantaa has a comprehensive environmental program “Roadmap to Resource Wisdom 2030”, which focus is on carbon neutrality by 2030 and the circular economy. Circular economy goals include reusing materials (also demolition), establishing circular economy as part of planning and execution and improving the model for circular economy areas.


This image is the logo for Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY, which is a on the left hand side a series of light blue, green and dark green droplets in three concentric circles. On the right sight are the letters HSY in green.
This image is a logo of the city of Vantaa, which on the left side is a skewed square standing on a corner, with different layers at the top corner with different shades of blue. Vantaa is on the right hand side in black text.
This is an image of the Tampere University logo. On the left side is a T with curved lines on either side of the T, and Tampere University in blue text.
This image is the logo of Ramboll, which is RAMBOLL inside a light blue rectangle. There is a triangle shape cutting into the O.
This image is the logo of umacon, which is umacon in green, with PURKAJA ON inside a rectangle with a green outline above the m.
This image is the logo for Kierratyskeskus, which is an oval of three green arrows pointing towards each other.
This image is the blue EU flag with the stars in a circle in the middle.

This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821201.



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